What to Expect

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After scheduling your initial visit to The Wellness Centre, our team members will email specific paperwork tailored to your individual health. We ask that you provide as much detail in your paperwork about your specific needs. Please have the paperwork filled out before your first visit to the office so that you have efficient time with the doctor.

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Welcome to The Wellness Centre! Your first visit to the office gives us the opportunity to understand and assess your health concerns.

The Doctor will begin with a very thorough overview of your paperwork. Following the history intake, a detailed neurostructural examination will be preformed. This will include posture analysis, spinal range of motion testing, neurological testing, functional mobility tests, advanced palpation as well as any necessary orthopedic tests. The goal of this assessment is to evaluate the health and function of your spine and nervous system. This information will allow our doctors to develop personalized recommendations for care in order to best address the primary cause of your problem. We may also request x-rays if the doctors seem it is necessary for the evaluation of your spine health.

Please allot the appropriate time needed, as the first visit will take approximately 1 hour.

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Your second and most important visit will be your individual Report of Findings. The doctor will go over in detail the findings from the consultation and examination, and answer any questions you may have regarding them. Your thorough initial visit allows the doctor to make a more accurate determination of the type of adjustments your spine needs as well as the ongoing frequency of your care. Your Report of Findings visit will finish with a discussion regarding your personalized care plan, along with any additional recommendations or evaluations if needed.

Please note that this this visit will take approximately 30 minutes.

If the doctor accepts your case, you will receive your first adjustment at this visit. Congratulations, this is the starting point of your journey to achieving the health and life you desire and deserve!